The Morning Cleanse

This Morning Cleanse is an opportunity to allow your liver to perform its proper routine.
- Optional: Drink 16 to 32 ounces of lemon or lime water upon waking. Wait 15 to 30 minutes.
- Then, drink 16 to 32 ounces of fresh celery juice on an empty stomach. Wait 15 to 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
- Don’t consume radical fats before lunchtime. That means no nuts, seeds, peanut butter, any oils, coconut, avocado, cacao nibs, chocolate, ghee, milk, cream, yogurt, coconut yogurt, cheese, butter, kefir, bacon, eggs, bone broth, or any other animal proteins in the morning. They should all wait until lunch or after.
- Keep out dried fruits and salt all morning so you don’t work against the cleanse.
- Also stay hydrated, making sure that if possible, you choose juicy, water-rich fruits during the morning. Additionally, drink a minimum of 16 ounces of water or coconut water (as long as it isn’t pink or red and doesn’t contain natural flavors) over the course of your morning, at some point after your lemon or lime water and celery juice.
- Follow the Morning Cleanse guidelines for at least two weeks at a time.
This morning cleanse is a good way to take preventative steps to help protect yourself from illness down the road.
author : Anthony William
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